The Adirondack Balloon Festival
The Adirondack Balloon Festival is known internationally as the only large-scale ballooning event where spectators can not only see dozens of colorful balloons take flight, but also get close enough the the balloons to help a pilot and crew launch their craft.
Battle of Plattsburgh Commemorative Weekend
In 1814, the largest invasion in U.S. history took place at the village of Plattsburgh and Cumberland Bay on Lake Champlain.
Britain's army of eleven thousand crossed the border from Montreal into New York and the British Navy's fleet moved south on Lake Champlain, both headed for Plattsburgh. The battles at Plattsburgh ended the War of 1812. Our mission is to share the details of these engagements, the War of 1812 in general, and Plattsburgh's importance in the three-year conflict.
Benefits Of Beeswax
Can you eat the entire honeycomb?
The answer is Yes, you can eat the honey, the wax, and all the nutritious benefits that come along with it.
Benefits of Raw Honeycomb
Prebiotics are compounds that feed your gut microbiome, improving the uptake of nutrients and helping you digest food. Raw honey happens to be a powerful prebiotic.
WNY Farmers Market
Annual WNY Farmers Market on June 7th through October 25th.
Every Friday from 2:00-6:00PM at Donnelly Park (60th Street & Boulevard East)
Harrington Park Farmers Market 2024
The goal of the market is to contribute in a positive manner to the town of Harrington Park, while also supporting and cultivating the local business community.
Bee Pollen II
Bee pollen is a natural food. It is not a drug. Honeybee pollen contains every known vitamin, all of the minerals, proteins (amino acids), enzymes and coenzymes, fatty acids, and carbohydrates that our bodies need to sustain life, and all in perfect balance.
Bee Pollen cannot be duplicated in a laboratory, this assures you of a natural product, but watch for fillers. If it lists anything other than pollen as ingredients, it is not 100% pollen and most likely has had fillers added. Take Bee Pollen only in the WHOLE GRAIN natural form.
Why Do Beekeepers Live Longer ?
Beekeepers are listed as The top of all longevity professions. Let’s take a look at why beekeepers live a long life.
Experience the Eclipse
During an annular eclipse, it is never safe to look directly at the Sun without specialized eye protection designed for solar viewing. Review these safety guidelines to prepare for Oct. 14, 2023.
The Benefits Of Eating 100% Grass-Fed Beef Heart
Grass-Fed Beef Heart is also rich in six micronutrients that also support health and immunity and are listed below;
Busy Bees Eco Dryer Balls
Eco dryer balls are an all-natural and organic fabric softener handmade from 100% premium new Zealand wool.
Harrington Park Farmers Market
The goal of the market is to contribute in a positive manner to the town of Harrington Park, while also supporting and cultivating the local business community.
Hand Poured, 100% Pure Beeswax, Natural Beehive Candle Votives
It takes around 50 pounds of honey to produce 1 pound of beeswax. That 1 pound of wax is then reduced down even further, as it is filtered and debris is removed.
Top 10 Benefits of Eating Liver: Nature’s Multivitamin
Liver is one of the healthiest foods on earth thanks to an unmatchable abundance of essential and bioavailable nutrients.
US Chicken Prices Surge Amid Tight Supplies
There is plenty of chicken, but when you have all these chains making chicken biscuits and chicken sandwiches, which are a hot product right now, and they’re all made of chicken breasts, there is only so much of those specific cuts to go around.”
Tornado™ Rescue - "Buzz" Honeybee
Not only is it a smooth ballpoint pen, but with each purchase a donation has been made to the NW Honey Bee Habitat Restoration to help preserve and protect honey bee populations.
Brown Butter Apple Pie
Brown butter pairs with a mix of baking apples in this double-crust dish to evoke a nostalgic, caramel apple-like flavor.